7 Simple Hacks for Organizing Your Life This New Year
Trust me, living a fulfilled and organized life isn’t as out of reach as you might think it is. The good news- I’m here to share with you a great list of tips and hacks that will help you finally organize your life in 2023 that actually WORK!
How Organizing Your Life is Helpful
I am sure you have a few ideas in mind of how organizing your life would be helpful, or even life changing. I wanted to share some key reasons that will hopefully sell you on using the ideas shared in this post to finally organize your life for GOOD!
The biggest reason to organize your life? The simple fact that it simplifies your life. It declutters your mind. Everything has its place, its time, and its function. Organizing your life allows you to concentrate on what you need to with minimal distraction at any given moment.
I love what SelectHealth.org had to say about the benefits of organizing your life. They mentioned five key areas that organizing your life betters overall and I have to agree with them all!
They mention that organization reduces stress, helps you sleep better, promotes a healthier diet, increases work productivity, and helps you improve your relationships. All of the tips for organizing your life mentioned in this post will help with those things!
Why Organizing Your Life is Hard
Okay, so now that we better understand the benefits of organizing your life you might be wondering why more people (including yourself) have such a hard time with it. While you might think you’re being lazy, odds are it is a lot more than that.
Most of the time when someone tries to organize their life they go about it all wrong and miss the key to making it easier.
The key? Make your life organization goals realistic.
Yes, realistic. Organizing your life sounds so great and so more often than not we just dive on in without any real plan. We read about all these things we could be doing and just start them, rather than making a plan that will be sustainable for our lifestyles.
So the key here today is to figure out how to realistically organize your life.
Main Areas in Your Life to Organize
Before we actually dive into the hacks for organizing your life, let’s chat about the main areas that are most helpful to focus on organizing.
Your mind (this will help you think more clearly and allow you to concentrate on the task at hand without distraction)
Time (this will allow you to live your life comfortably without rushing)
Environment (this will help you ultimately live a happier, less stressed out lifestyle)
Digital (this will allow you to free your mind of the many influences that the digital world has on your mind and life)
A clean environment can help you focus this year!
Simple Hacks for Organizing Your Life
Hopefully, now you have the feeling that you can make the changes to finally organize your life! Here are seven hacks for organizing your life this new year!
1. Use a Planner That Works for Your Life
Ah yes. The thing everyone tells you. Use a planner. Well, I am here to tell you to skip just using a planner, and instead find one that you genuinely love that will work for your life.
When looking for a planner, look at the way it is structured and figure out how it might work with your life. Are you someone that works in time blocks? A planner with hourly sections might work best for you. Do you like goal setting? One with that option would work well for you. Need a wide open page to plan out your day? Well, find one with exactly that!
There are SO many planners out there to choose from and there is the perfect one out there for you.
Personally, I love Happy Planners. They are incredibly customizable and you’re able to add so much to them from habit tracking to budgeting and onto meal planing. The opportunities are ENDLESS!
Here are some of my favorite Happy Planner picks from Amazon:
2. Spend 15 Minutes a Day (most days) Organizing Your Home
My next tip is to add something to your daily to do list- ORGANIZING! I mentioned above that your environment plays a huge role in your overall wellness and it is one of the first places to organize that will have a near immediate result on your wellbeing.
Start small. Set a timer for 15 minutes and GO! You don’t need to overhaul your home in a weekend. Instead, start with a cabinet at a time. Work through individual rooms. Make a system that works for YOU!
3. find/create Routines that You Enjoy
This one is HUGE when it comes to organizing your life. Finding routines that work for you AND that you enjoy is the key to a successful life. The key here is figuring out what routines work for you. I recommend starting with a piece of paper and writing out all of your “have to do’s” and “like to do’s”. Use these lists to put together a morning routine and an evening routine that fits everything in!
Try out the new routine for a week and see if you like it, but don’t be afraid to change things up! You’ve got to find out what works for YOU and YOU only!
4. start planning Ahead
This hack for organizing your life will save your sanity in so many ways. Stop being a last minute girly and start planning ahead! Use that shiny new planner of yours to plan out your life weeks ahead of time. This will help you stay on track and keep your mind clutter free. No more guessing.
Also, write EVERYTHING down. I meaning everything! Told your mom you’d call her Friday? Write it down. Need to call to make a doctors appointment? Write it down. Have a tentative girls night planned two weeks from now? Write it DOWN!
Pro Tip: Not a paper girly? You don’t need to use a paper planner for this. You can use Google Calendar, or your favorite calendar app! Whatever makes it easiest on you!
5. Work on Your Sleep Hygiene
Oh, I love this one. One of the best things you can do for yourself (mentally, physically, and emotionally) is get a good nights rest. I mentioned creating an evening routine earlier. Make sure the routine sets you up well for an amazing nights rest. Life happens, sure. But the best thing you can do for yourself is make the time to plan out when and how you’re going to catch some good Z’s!
6. Eliminate Digital Mess
Looking to free up your mind? Get rid of guilt? Clear out the digital mess. I am talking going through your social media accounts and unfollow, unfollow, unfollow. Go through your email and delete all of the junk. Go through your computer and delete all of the random downloads that you have. All the duplicates. Out with clutter, in with organization!
While you’re at it, sort the documents into Google Drive folders. This will seriously clear up your mind and help organize your life!
7. Keep Track of What Works and What Doesn’t
Lastly, while you are working on organizing your life, keep track of what is working and what isn’t. If something isn’t working, change it. Let’s free ourselves from working on things for the sake of consistency. Again, if it’s not working, try something else. There are routines and structures out there that will work for you. Don’t waste your time trying to prove something to anyone else but yourself!
Now that you have read through this list of ideas for organizing your life, get to it! Make a plan for yourself and remember to keep it realistic. You don’t need to dive all in right away. The key to organizing your life is to make it work for YOU! Remember that!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram @eclectickurves for more updates year round!
Enjoy Today!
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