How-to Guide on Making it Through the Holidays
Deep Breath…
Listen, we all know it’s coming, the dreaded holidays; yet most of us don’t prepare for the occasion (guilty as charged). We have all year to get ready, heavily meditate and hire a cleaning company to make sure the house is spotless for our Mother-in-laws, yet we still wait to the last minute. Instead, we end up running around like lunatics, adding extra festive (you don’t really need, but how could you live without) décor you scored on a deal at the devil store (Target), fighting over the last cranberry sauce down aisle 12 all while trying to bribe the babysitter to ditch her family (she’s only home from school for 2 weeks, but who cares, you NEED her) to come and wrangle your little minions so you can sneak away and watch Bad Mom’s 2 (or...just nap). Whew…it feels better to say it out loud…I’ve been holding that in for days. But enough about me…
So yes, the holidays can be uber-stressful, but oh so meaningful and magical if you do it right. That’s why we have to find ways to overcome all that stress. Today, I’m going to give you a few of my coping strategies to not just get through the holidays, but to #Sleigh your way through it. Let’s dig in.
Step 1: Forgive Yourself Already
...but I'm OK with that...and you should be too.
MAMAS AND PAPAS HEAR THIS: You’re not perfect, so be like Elsa and let it go. So you forgot to gift wrap every present to Martha Stewart perfection? All good. Can;t afford a professional cleaner to come “bippity boppity boo” your house? No worries. People; no one who really matters is going to notice the stain on the carpet, dust on the drapes, or toys scattered in the play area. You don’t need a new stemware collection because one of your glasses is for red wine and the rest are for white. All wine is the same after 2 glasses anyway girlfriend. Take this advice from me: fill the room with laughter. Forgive yourself for being human and get on with making memories with the ones you love.
“You are not perfect, so be like Elsa and let it go. ”
Step 2: Don’t take your holiday wardrobe too serious…or do
One of my favorite parts of the holidays is the FASHION! Find something sparkly and vibrant. Stay in your Christmas PJ’s all season. Do whatever works for you, not what you think is expected of you. For me, that’s embracing the trends and finding my inner goddess, but for you that could mean the opposite. Here’s a few suggestions.
Splurge a little if you need to (you’re important too), and find more than one occasion to wear something fancy this season. Before you ask, I’ll answer: YES. This is Christmas Gala, NYE, blog photo and laundry day fashion all rolled into one (laundry day is the worst). I’m getting my use out of this bangin’ dress. #nojudgement
Update: This dress has since sold out, so here are a few other options for you to think about buying while you’re showing out!
Get your holiday cheer on in a super fun and festive look like this one! Ugly Christmas sweaters have come a lonnnnnng way. Throw this look on to combat the Holiday blues. I always feel good when I dress for the occasion! Plus, what a great conversation starter! Have a ball with friends and family comparing sweaters at the next gathering this holiday. There’s only a few sizes left in this exact sweater dress, so here’s a few options guaranteed to make you feel super festive!
Step 3: Make time to reflect on your experience after the quiet sets in.
You made it. Everyone is heading home, and you finally have your house back. Your Mother-in-law didn’t drive you batty, you got to see Bad Moms 2, you wowed at the company Christmas party and you drank wine out of a solo cup (who needs wine glasses at this point). Sounds to me like you killed it, so take the time to remember all of this… and be grateful, because you just won at Holiday. Here’s a pic of why I always feel like I win this time of year :)
Photo taken by Sarah Kingery Photography
We only have so much time with our loved ones, so enjoy it! Happy Holidays! Bring it 2020! Follow me on IG @eclectickurves for more Holiday style inspiration!
Please Note: This post has been updated on December 12, 2019. The original published date was December 28, 2017.